Sunday, December 15, 2013

Team Transformation Contest Winners!!

Our 2nd 50 Day Transformation Contest ended last week, this time with groups of 2 competing as teams! We had 21 teams enter our contest and if we thought our last transformation contest was tough to judge, this one was close and even tougher which is why it took a week to decide.

We based our judging on total transformation, meaning not only changes in physique in both teammates, but lifestyle changes as well including eating and workout habits, commitment to each other, and consistency with our workout program. Thank you to all the teams that entered, you're all winners just by entering and stepping out of your comfort zones!!

With that said, here are the Top 3 Winners!!!

1st Place Grand Prize

Jose and Vickie Beltran

Vickie has been a consistent client for over a year now and is is pretty good shape to begin with. But, to take her physique to that next level she knew she had to make some changes. Her husband, Jose joined TFT a little after Vickie and started training with us 3 times per week, but, to transform his body and really start to see some changes, he too would need to switch up his routine.
They both committed to not drinking any alcohol for the 50 days, Vickie added in a protein shake after her workouts (5-6 days per week) and incorporated sprinting to her routine. Jose started coming in 4 days per week and also did some extra workouts on his off days. He dropped body fat from his mid-section, got stronger, and is the lightest he's been since high school! Vickie packed on some lean muscle, and has the potential to compete in a fitness/figure competition!
For all their hard work and dedication they both receive our grand prize of: $100 each, 2 months free training, Isport Headphones, and some great supplements courtesy of our nutritional partners over at Prograde.

2nd Place

Michael Infusino and Melissa Amato
Mike and Melissa became workout warriors during the contest coming in 5-6 days per week and getting in some extra workouts as well.
During the 50 days they too didn't drink any alcohol (this makes a HUGE difference!), included more fruits and veggies into their diets, and completed a trail half marathon!! In the end, Mike dropped 13 pds, lost his gut, and increased his strength dramatically. Melissa got lean by losing 11 pds and can't wait to do another half marathon! They both said this contest helped them enjoy working out which will carry over for a lifetime. That's what we're talking about, LIFEstyle changes!! Hard work does pay off!

They each earned: $50, 2 months free training, and supplements from Prograde.

3rd Place

Greg Pique and Janelle Mariano

Greg has always been consistent with his workout routine training 4 days per week at our gym. It was what he was doing outside the gym (eating whatever he wanted) that kept his body from transforming. He learned from the last contest that in order to see results, he would have to discipline himself and limit the fried and sugary treats. The result was he uncovered some abs and, most importantly finally understood that working out AND making healthy food choices go hand in hand!
Janelle lost 15 pounds by just cutting back on the chips and fried foods and added juicing to her diet. Planning out her meals and workouts in advance made it easy for her to stay on track. These small details add up and as you can see are the keys to a successful transformation!
Great job you guys!! They both receive 1 month free training!

We've seen it in these last 2 contests, the winners are always the most consistent, committed, and hard working. If you want to finally transform your body, start with those traits, drop the excuses, and enjoy the journey!

Stay tuned for our next contest this summer which is going to be EPIC!!


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